
Country of Origin 

Transparency of sourcing is part of Our Honest To Goodness Promise to you.  Listed below is the country of origin of every ingredient we purchase. We pledge to always source from the USA except when an ingredient is not grown in the US (like bananas) or another country does a better job than the US (like humanely-raised, grass-fed lamb from Australia). 

Chicken USA
Beef Costa Rica
Turkey USA
Pork USA
Lamb Australia/New Zealand
Beef Liver USA
Rabbit Spain
Wild Salmon USA
Beef Tendon USA
Eggs USA
Sweet Potato USA
Pumpkin USA
Apple Cider USA
Cheddar Cheese USA
No-Nitrate Bacon USA
All Natural Peanut Butter (just peanuts) USA
Ricotta Cheese USA
Buckwheat Flour (not a grain/no gluten) USA
Oat Flour USA
Honey USA
Bananas Costa Rica, Guatemala, Columbia, Honduras