Conversation starters for you and your vet on healthy pet food choices

AGEs Aflatoxin Endotoxin Chemicals and Imbalanced Macronutrients Are Troubles In Kibble And Canned Pet Food
Kibble and Canned Pet Food are loaded with carbs chemicals toxins and synthetics read about it here

Synthetics including copper chelates, phosphorus and various vitamins and other minerals


References, studies & scholarly papers:

Is it time to reconsider current guidelines for copper content in commercial dog foods?

On the bioavailability and absorption of natural / dietary copper from food

Dr. Sharon Center’s presentation to FDA on CAH associated with synthetic copper chelates (YouTube)

Hepatic copper concentrations in Labrador Retrievers with and without chronic hepatitis: 72 cases (1980–2010)

Veterinarians Say Many Commercial Dog Foods Are Slowly Killing Our Pets

EFSA Scientific Opinion on the safety of chelated minerals

2,000 percent increase

 Multivitamin and multimineral dietary supplements: definitions, characterization, bioavailability, and drug interactions

Vitamania (the documentary) Human plasma and tissue a-tocopherol concentrations in response to supplementation with deuterated natural and synthetic vitamin E1
Synthetic Multivitamin & Minerals VS the Microbiome, Metabolism, and Mother Earth Folic acid fortification and public health: Report on threshold doses
above which unmetabolised folic acid appear in serum
Living Blue Planet Report Health benefits of fruit and vegetables are from additive and synergistic combinations of phytochemicals
The Status of Fishery Resources A Randomized Pilot Trial to Evaluate the Bioavailability of Natural versus Synthetic Vitamin B Complexes in Healthy Humans and Their Effects on Homocysteine, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidant Levels
Multivitamin and multimineral dietary supplements: definitions, characterization, bioavailability, and drug interactions
The Source Matters–Effects of High Phosphate Intake from Eight Different Sources in Dogs
Not all forms of dietary phosphorus are equal (full text study)
Effects of the long-term feeding of diets enriched with inorganic phosphorus on the adult feline kidney and phosphorus metabolism (full text)
Organic and inorganic dietary phosphorus and its management in chronic kidney disease
Understanding source of phosphorus in the treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease
Bioavailability of dietary minerals (and how dietary phytates from grains, beans, legumes affect absorption)
International Zinc Nutrition Consultative Group (IZiNCG)
Technical Document #1
Assessment of the Risk of Zinc Deficiency in Populations
and Options for Its Control
Zinc in Dog Nutrition Health and Disease
Challenges in Developing Nutrient Guidelines for Companion Animals

"Studies of humans and various farm animals all show that natural forms of Vitamin E are absorbed and utilized twice as efficiently as its synthetic form in dietary supplements."  Feeding Dogs by Dr. Conor Brady pg 187. Vitamin E isn't helpful and may be harmful. 

Stability of essential nutrients in pet food manufacturing and storage
Vitamin losses: Retention during heat treatment and continual changes expressed by mathematical models
A chronological summary of class I and II pet food recalls involving chemical adulteration in the USA between 1996 and 2008
Role of Vitamin D in the Metabolic Syndrome.
Bioavailability of Different Vitamin D Oral
Supplements in Laboratory Animal Model
Factors influencing the absorption of Vitamin D in the GIT
The effect of diet on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in dogs
Revolution of vitamin E production by starting from microbial fermented farnesene to isophytol
Differential metabolism of choline supplements in adult volunteers
Trimethylamine N-Oxide: The Good, the Bad and the Unknown
Dietary Additives and Supplements Revisited: The Fewer, the Safer for Liver and Gut Health
Role of dietary antioxidants to protect against DNA damage in adult dogs
Calcium and Phosphate Regulation in the Body

Glyphosate and other agricultural chemicals

 Articles and resources

References, studies & scholarly papers:

Chronic Disease, Glyphosate and Pet Food

Glyphosate: US EPA's Response to Comments, Usage, and Benefits

HRI - lab to test glyphosate in urine

Analysis on the ingredients used in pet food (to cross reference to glyphosate crop application data).

Glyphosate Considerations by Dr. Erin Bannink

Glyphosate's Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathway's to Modern Diseases

 New study finds glyphosate-related alterations in gut microbiome

Separating the Empirical Wheat From the Pseudoscientific Chaff: A Critical Review of the Literature Surrounding Glyphosate, Dysbiosis and Wheat-Sensitivity  
Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America
Various articles and whistle blower testimony on a pattern of improper use of phosphine gas at a major pet food plant. Multiomics reveal non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats following chronic exposure to an ultra-low dose of Roundup herbicide
Use of Shotgun Metagenomics and Metabolomics to Evaluate the Impact of Glyphosate or Roundup MON 52276 on the Gut Microbiota and Serum Metabolome of Sprague-Dawley Rats
Low-dose glyphosate exposure alters gut microbiota composition and modulates gut homeostasis

Aflatoxin, glycoalkaloids, endotoxins, other hazardous microbiologic contamination and the use of diseased / destroyed animals as rendered ingredients in pet food

Articles and resources

References, studies & scholarly papers:

 The Future of Aflatoxin in U.S. Corn Aflatoxins: A Global Concern for Food Safety, Human Health, and Their Management
What Do 10 Years of Pet Food Recalls Tell Us? Aflatoxin in Pet foods: A Risk to Special Consumers
The categories, styles, legal requirements and recall data of commercial pet food in the United States.  Analysis on the ingredients used in pet food (to cross reference to known reservoirs of natural toxins).
FDA Searchable Database of Recalls, Market Withdrawals, and Safety Alerts iFeeder Report of all pet and livestock feeds (see pet food report for more detailed analysis.)
Feeding Dogs. Dry or Raw? The Science Behind the Debate by Dr. Conor Brady (available on Amazon) Consumer Funded Pet Food Test Results
Salmonella outbreak tied to dry dog food continues. ABC News (published online) US CDC. Multistate outbreak of human Salmonella infantis infections linked to dry dog food (Final Update)
Human Salmonella infections linked to contaminated dry dog and cat food.
Salmonella Montevideo outbreak in military kennel dogs caused by contaminated commercial feed, which was only recognized through monitoring
The hidden danger of endotoxins in animal production Endotoxins and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Are endotoxins behind your low livestock productivity? Endotoxin Producers Overgrowing in Human Gut Microbiota as the Causative Agents for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Endotoxins - The Hidden Toxin Damaging Your Pet's Gut and Making Her Fat The impact of metabolic endotoxaemia on the browning process in human adipocytes
Rendered Products In Pet Food The Importance of Food for Endotoxemia and an Inflammatory Response
Multiple articles on pentobarbital in pet food Glycoalkaloids: Solanine and Chaconine
Lawsuit Testing Finds Dog DNA In Dog Food Potato glycoalkaloids: Some unanswered questions
Dog DNA Found In Two Dog Foods Glycoalkaloid Content in Pet Food by UPLC-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Stench of carcasses and spoiled meat has long plagued Southeast L.A. Here's how that'll change Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
Is a Natural Toxin in Your Dog's Bowl Fueling Chronic Disease? A Review of Occurrence of Glycoalkaloids in Potato and Potato Products
WHO's list of natural toxins A chronological summary of class I and II pet food recalls involving chemical adulteration in the USA between 1996 and 2008

Imbalanced macronutrients, pet food industry ingredient analysis, nutritional evaluations of ultra-processed commercial feeds

Pet Food Production and Ingredient Analysis
 Animal Feed/Food Consumption and COVID-19 Impact Analysis
Grains: What's the big deal? -- by Dr. Erin Bannink
Dietary soybean protein decreases plasma taurine in cats
Discrepancy between the composition of some commercial cat foods and their package labelling and suitability for meeting nutritional requirements
Evaluation of the chemical composition of dry dog foods commercialized in Chile used for growing dogs
Mineral analysis of complete dog and cat foods in the UK and compliance with European guidelines
Stability of Vitamins During Extrusion [and after in storage of pet feeds]

Advanced Glycation End Products (i.e. AGEs or Glycotoxins)

 Articles and resources

Research, studies and scholarly papers

The Rage of AGE (Advanced Glycation End Products) and Your Pet's Fight Against It. Acrylamide Formed at Physiological Temperature as a Result of Asparagine Oxidation
Acrylamide and Cancer Risk by the National Cancer Institute Quantitation of Maillard Reaction Products in Commercially
Available Pet Foods
Acrylamide in Dog Food
Acrylamide and HMF: A review on metabolism, toxicity, occurrence in food, and mitigation strategies
Advanced glycoxidation and lipoxidation end products (AGEs and ALEs): an overview of their mechanisms of formation
The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products Activates the AIM2 Inflammasome in Acute Pancreatitis
HMF in Petfood
Determination of acrylamide in dry feedstuff for dogs and cats
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE) and Diabetes: Cause, Effect, or Both?
Endogenous advanced glycation end products in pancreatic islets after short-term carbohydrate intervention in obese, diabetes-prone mice
Serum levels of advanced glycation end products and their receptors sRAGE and Galectin-3 in chronic pancreatitis
Acrylamide: its metabolism, developmental and reproductive effects, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity
Maillard reaction products in purified diets induce taurine depletion in cats which is reversed by antibiotics

Studies comparing animals fed ultra-processed pet foods (kibble and canned) to those fed raw or minimally-processed meat based diets

Standardized amino acid digestibility and nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy of frozen raw, freeze-dried raw, fresh, and extruded dog foods using precision-fed cecectomized and conventional rooster assays
Raw meat based diet influences faecal microbiome and end products of fermentation in healthy dogs
The re­la­tion­ships between en­vir­on­ment, diet, tran­scrip­tome and atopic dermatitis in dogs
In­flu­ence of nu­tri­tion at young age on can­ine hip dys­plasia in Ger­man shep­herd dogs: a case-con­trol study from Fin­land
Raw Meat-Based Di­ets in Dogs and Cats
Apparent total-tract macronutrient digestibility, serum chemistry, urinalysis, and
fecal characteristics, metabolites and microbiota of adult dogs fed extruded, mildly cooked, and raw diets
Pop­u­la­tion Ge­net­ics and An­ti­mi­cro­bial Sus­cept­ib­il­ity of Can­ine Cam­py­lob­ac­ter Isol­ates Col­lec­ted be­fore and after a Raw Feed­ing Ex­per­i­ment
Diet at young age and can­ine atopy/​al­lergy (type) disease
Nutritional factors and neoplasia in dogs: a data association study on the role of early age diet
Low Number of Owner-Reported Suspected Transmission of Foodborne Pathogens From Raw Meat-Based Diets Fed to Dogs and/or Cats
Blood bio­chem­istry and haemat­o­logy pro­files between raw and dry food diet fed Stafford­shire bull ter­ri­ers

 Various studies on aging, aging related dysfunctions, and dietary involvement

 Ergothioneine Reverses Aging
High Fat Diet Leads to Kidney Disease
The Physiological Conundrum that is the Domestic Dog
Untangling life span and body mass discrepancies in canids: phylogenetic comparison of oxidative stress in blood from domestic dogs and wild canids
Effect of free fatty acids on insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and incretin effect – a narrative review
High-fat diet-induced upregulation of exosomal phosphatidylcholine contributes to insulin resistance
Association of dairy intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 21 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study
Cognitive Aging in Dogs
Gut Microbiome and Aging
Functions and Dysfunctions of Nitric Oxide in the Brain
IGF-1 Deficiency and Metabolic Syndrome
IGF-1 and Aging
Age Related Thyroid Function
Lifetime prevalence of owner-reported medical conditions in the 25 most common dog breeds in the Dog Aging Project pack
A Synopsis on Aging

-- stay tuned (we are posting many more soon!)